Think CDs.
What comes to mind? Maybe some of your favourite tunes from back in the day? Thoughts of tiny, retro, round slices of polycarbonate plastic and sensitive surfaces you shouldn’t get dirty?
You’re only half wrong.
All it took was a common realization that cranking out tunes, getting wild and getting your sensitive surfaces dirty are some of the finer things in life to bring four good ol' Southern Ontario boys together to share this epiphany with you through their brand of surf-infused, garage-inspired rock n’ roll.
Featuring Cameron Hilborn and Wesley Martin on guitar and vocals, with Richard Stewart and Brad Picard filling out the rhythm section on bass and drums, OL' CD hails from Toronto, Ontario, and we want to bring the polychromatic party to you.
The Bogarts
Toronto based rock n'roll band with deep ties to the city and its lifestyle. Through their music, the band streived to capture the sights and sounds all around them as well as define the unknown emotional connections we each share with one another.
Official Sponsors:
Live Is Better: "A Live Entertainment Collective"
MIKA Audio: www.mikaaudio.com