“Théorème du nombre critique” – The critical number theory
Tintamare October Album Release At 3030 Dundas West
If you closely observe the possible exothermic reaction resulting from the atoms of an experimental orchestra mixing with molecules of chants of social and existential unrest, you will discover the musical effervescence of the group Tintamare. TTMR²=ℕc. This theorem reveals the multiple characteristics of a band whose style ranges from acoustic prog-rock to political post-folk, superposing unhinged rhythms catalyzed by the conductive energy of dancing bodies. If one can appreciate the phenomenon through means of modern media, the scene is the true laboratory where the experiment takes place.
For more than 5 years, Tintamare has been an evolving musical project that found its purpose through protest, crazy shows and collective creation. Initially composed of only 5 members, the group has now more than doubled in numbers, massively gaining in sound, energy and dynamics.
Following a first album and a smoother EP, the band is now ready to present the art they have been working so hard on. Composing collectively with 10 musicians can be tricky, lengthy and strenuous, but the end results are certainly exhilarating. So it is with pride that Tintamare presents an album long in the making, strongly structured and elaborate. Nevertheless, its core is still guided by the sounds of travel, the spirit of rebellion and ephemeral gatherings; to which it has added layers of experimental rhythms and zealous harmonics.
10 musiciens. 14 strings resonating between 41 and 2093 Hz. 3 brasses with 3 pistons and 2 slides at 120 decibels. 2 woodwinds with 22 keys. 1 accordion bellows producing 1000 and 1 sounds. 4 toms, 3 cymbals, 2 drum sticks. 1 “R”: Tintamare.